Hello my name is Cloe and im a pioneer this is how my story came to be. Day 1 ,today is a excited day because i’m moving West, the only reason I want to move West is because I will get free land and I want to start a family! We are heading out on a wagon right now. It’s night and we just got attacked by Indians now we have to put are wagons in a wagon trail and that’s not all everyday it seems like people die everyday or animals.2 months later, we are not even close we still have 4 more months to go and we have been traveling for 2 months and i’m really tired but i cant sleep because the rode is bumpy and its been raining hard and we had to pull over. 1 more day and it will be 3 months, I plan when I get there I will make a log cabin and it’s going to be hard work but I think i cant do it. 3 moths, we are almost there and I can’t wait, also we have to wear red bandanas because if we get hurt we tie it around something like a tree. 6 moths, We are finally here and i’ve already build my log cabin and I also meet a cowboy. We have been dating but he wants to ask me something by the his name is Owen, his job was cattle drivin. I have to go tell you what he says. You can’t believe what just happened he asked me to marry him and i said yes my dreams have come true! 1 year later, I’m sorry i have not talk to you in a while because I just had a baby boy named Brody, his is about a year old and thats how my store came to be.