Author: cbarton
All About Me!
Memory Book
First World Problem Meme
The Lightbulb
Emoji Writing
The Light Bulb Poem
Mrs. LaRue
Hi I’m the warden at Igor Brotweiler Canine Academy and first things first when Ike first came to this school he was bad and he makes it seem like i’m the bad guy but i’m not. I take care of the pets and make sure they are fed. It’s spring and every spring I take the dogs to the pumpkin patch, but Ike just sets and writes so I took his typewriter. When Ike was sick I took him to Dr. Willfery but Dr. Willfery said ” nothing is wrong with him he needs to get some rest”. After that all I remember is Ike ran away and I saw a news paper about a dog that ran away. When I saw that I said he needs to come back to school because he was not even ready to go home, still had to learn stuff, also if he was not Mrs.LaRue dog I would adopt him. sources:
In a Zombie Attack
One night, Lexci, Addi,Layne,Kate, and I went to a graveyard, but we didn’t know what was about to happen. Lexci thought it would be fun,” so we met up with Addi, Layne, and Kate. We went to the graveyard. Suddenly out of nowhere zombies started to come”. Our plan was to defeat them, but we had a problem. They started grabbing, Our legs but the chickens, goats,and horses, started to run towards them. We thought they were coming at us, but no, they were helping us. Then, the zombies turned into chickens, and goats, and horses. Lexci said” That was a relief”.” I said”, yeah they’re gone”. “Lets never do that again” said Addie. ” yea, I agree with Addi” said Kate .
My Journey West
Hello my name is Cloe and im a pioneer this is how my story came to be. Day 1 ,today is a excited day because i’m moving West, the only reason I want to move West is because I will get free land and I want to start a family! We are heading out on a wagon right now. It’s night and we just got attacked by Indians now we have to put are wagons in a wagon trail and that’s not all everyday it seems like people die everyday or animals.2 months later, we are not even close we still have 4 more months to go and we have been traveling for 2 months and i’m really tired but i cant sleep because the rode is bumpy and its been raining hard and we had to pull over. 1 more day and it will be 3 months, I plan when I get there I will make a log cabin and it’s going to be hard work but I think i cant do it. 3 moths, we are almost there and I can’t wait, also we have to wear red bandanas because if we get hurt we tie it around something like a tree. 6 moths, We are finally here and i’ve already build my log cabin and I also meet a cowboy. We have been dating but he wants to ask me something by the his name is Owen, his job was cattle drivin. I have to go tell you what he says. You can’t believe what just happened he asked me to marry him and i said yes my dreams have come true! 1 year later, I’m sorry i have not talk to you in a while because I just had a baby boy named Brody, his is about a year old and thats how my store came to be.